LeanOp Consulting
Implementation of Lean methodologies in a real context from top management to the “shop floor” resulting in substantial gains in business performance. Transfer of competences, making employees more capable and ensuring the sustainability of the continuous improvement and the company.
- From theory to action, supporting the client in the workplace (gemba).
- In a few days we change from vision to reality, these events are important to break paradigms and consolidate change.
To integrate the company’s Lean management system is necessary to involve the entire organization, distribute and define responsibilities for methodologies implementation and be methodical in the project management.
LeanOp Academy
We accelerate the transfer of knowledge through simulation experiments, use examples outside the reality of daily experiences in order to solve current problems.
We encourage the sharing of practices within and between companies as a way to accelerate Lean implementation.
- Coaching and Leadership
- Operational Management Systems
- Change Management
- Policy Deployment / Hoshin Kanri
- Balance Scorecard
- Leadership Profile
- Performance Appraisal
- Lean Awareness
- JIT – Creating Flow
- JIT – Creating Flow for Process Industry
- SMED – Single Minute Exchange Die
- JIT – External Logistics
- Lean Planning
- Extended Enterprise
- Lean Design
- Autoquality
- Managing Quality in the Extended Enterprise
- Problem Solving
- TPM Awareness
- TPM Production System
- AM – Autonomous Maintenance
- PM – Planned Maintenance
- FI – Focus Improvement
- EM – Early Management
- ET – Education and Training
- Lean Facilitator
- Leadership for Team Leaders
- Measures and Reviews
- 5S and Visual Management
- Management of Improvement
- Project Management
- TWI – Training Within Industries
Lean Office
- Lean Office Basics
- Flow Office
- Office 5S
LeanOp Press
ORDERS BOOK by email press@leanop.com
Title: Gestão no Chão de Fábrica Lean
Author: Suzaki, Kiyoshi
Editor: LeanOp Press
ISBN: 978-989-20-4069-1
ORDERS BOOK by email press@leanop.com
Title: Gestão de Operações Lean
Author: Suzaki, Kiyoshi
Editor: LeanOp Press
ISBN: 978-989-20-2084-6